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Welcome To National College For Teacher Education

We, at the foundation, view teacher education differently. It is our earnest belief that teacher-education is one of the keys to nation building. Only good teachers will be able to inculcate the best of value systems in their wards. We are particularly keen that techers who pass out from this college are well equipped and have it in them to impart quality education to their students. 

We mould our student-teachers to be at par with the minds who have inspired and motivated students than those who have encouraged exam-oriented parroting. We want the year spent at the college to be an illuminating experience for the aspiring teachers, who in turn would put that experience to better use with their ward in the future. We hope to make a significant contribution in helping our students to have a wholesome nurturing and growth. 

Yes, we want to make it a rewarding experience for all the students

Our Vision and mission


Our Vision

"Power of Knowledge and Fortitude of Values" 

Highlights the importance of knowledge and values in students, teachers, and ultimately in our future generations.


Our Mission

"Excellence, Wisdom, and Commitment to the Society" 

Emphasizing on delivering quality helps to be a center of excellence and become an instrument for social change.

Principal's Message

Teacher education institutes have a vital role in improving the standards of the system of education by preparing competent and effective teachers. It has generally been agreed that the quality of a nation is judged by the quality of its citizens which is determined by the nation's educational system and which in turn is decided by the quality of teachers it has. As remarked by Dr. D.S. Kothari, A sound program of professional education of teachers is essential for the quality improvement of education.



Chairman's Message

As the chairman of our esteemed college, I am honoured to address you today and share our collective vision and commitment to excellence in education. Our institution is dedicated to creating a nurturing environment where every student can grow academically, intellectually, and personally. We firmly believe that education is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about shaping character and fostering a sense of purpose.



Manager's Message

As the Manager of National College, it gives me immense pleasure to extend a warm welcome to all our students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Our institution stands as a beacon of excellence in teacher education, committed to shaping the future of education through innovation, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. 


Our Latest News

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Haero luctus melior si. Comis dolor sit turpis. Et nulla nutus pertineo torqueo validus venio verto ymo. At cogo feugiat lobortis nobis roto scisco ullamcorper vulputate. Ea elit lobortis.

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Aliquip cogo consectetuer elit jugis jumentum quadrum torqueo volutpat vulputate. Blandit commodo gemino ibidem utinam vicis. Abico consequat decet enim ille nunc qui velit.