We have a restructured two year B.Ed Curriculum with effect from July 2018 as per the regulations of the Mahatma Gandhi University. The course shall be of four semesters spread over two years. The course can give the opportunity to students to embark on their teaching career with skills, competencies and abilities to face the challenges of the changing society. The experiences gained from this institution are expected to organize and reorganize their learning and thoughts, capable of being a total fit to the school environment. It is hoped that the academic and professional standards maintained in the campus will constitute as a critical component of the essential learning conditions for achieving the educational goals expected from teachers of 21st century.
Optional Subjects Offered:
- English Education
- Mathematics Education
- Natural Science Education
- Physical Science Education
- Social Science Education
- Commerce Education
Course Fee - Merit ₹ 45,000/- Management ₹ 60,000/-
Annual Intake - 50 Nos